Saturday, 1 March 2014 introduction

Yes, I'm still alive!
I've been in Winnipeg since August and feel like I haven't been able to stop and write a blog post in forever. So here I am.

And let me introduce you to what I've been doing for the last few mints: juicing!

Now there is a smoothie/juicing debate going on and here is what I have to say. Why not both? Although I love a good green smoothie, I LAHV a good green juice.

I don't follow a specific recipe but usually when I go grocery shopping I get base ingredients in. Luck and whatever is on sale. Base items are carrots, apple, beets, oranges, kale (or spinach) and pineapple. I love adding strawberries if they're on sale and sometimes watermelon or kiwi.

Once I get home, I rinse all the goodies, peel and chop into pieces that fit in my juicer's feeder.

This lasted me about a week. Apples were stored in lemon juice
Careful with the beets, they tend to make your kitchen look like a crime scene. But look how pretty!

My trademark juice:

Two handfuls leafy greens
Two pineapple spears
Half a beet, sliced
Two carrots, sliced
Half an orange, peeled
Half an apple, sliced

Run through juicer, add water to taste if you think you need it. Enjoy these benefits and sip your concoction.

Repeat whenever you feel bloated, sluggish or after you've had a teen burger with onion rings and a root beer for an instant "see, body, I don't hated you."

Do you juice? What are your favourite ones? Comment and let me know! 
xo,  D.