Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Trophy makes almond milk.

I've been buying almond milk for awhile. I'm not sure why, cow milk just freaks me out a little. Hormones in the cows can be passed through their milk and I'm NOT about that life. So, I decided to make my own almond milk. I use it in smoothies and my coffee mostly. I'm sure you could use it in baking as well if needed. Now this is super easy.

You need:
1 cup almonds
4 cups water

The end.

Making the almond milk is fairly simple.
Soak the almonds over night in water (not the water in the ingredients, soak in just enough water to cover them.)
 Once they've soaked overnight, drain them. Them put them in a
blender with 4 cups of water and blend for a few minutes until it looks milky.
Now, the fun part. Secure cheesecloth over a container using elastics.  Pour mixture through cheesecloth into container. You may have to do this twice as quite a bit of pulp is produced and strained out.

You're done!! The almond milk stays for about 4-5 days in the fridge tightly sealed.
